Contact us

Due to a recent malware threat we have disabled the form which is usually on this page.

Until we have a secure form in place, please email us directly at:

We aim to respond to all requests within 24 hours [48 hours at weekends] and if we cannot meet this target we will place a message here...

[NB Since ROOMS is no longer officially supported, the above original timescales are somewhat optimistic. Incoming emails will be dealt with as time and resources permit.]

NB If you do not receive a response from us in good time, it may be because we cannot send email to the address you have provided. Before despairing of us, please consider sending us an additional email address which we can be sure to get through to (like a free yahoo! or hotmail account).

Please note: We are NOT looking for software or Web promotion services, so please do not make requests along these lines. They will be ignored. This contact address is for questions about ROOMS 3D Desktop software, ZoomTopic, the 1Above3D screensaver and related 3D and 4D worlds.

(Page reviewed April 2024)

ROOMS 3D Desktop sitemap
Jack Calverley: science fiction, crime, and mystery stories